Support Our Work
Your donation helps build a strong Buddhist community!
Select your contribution type Education Fund (Tax deductible) or General (non tax deductible).
You can also donate via Bank Transfer with the following details:
Account Name: Buddhist Council of NSW
BSB: 112 879
Account Number: 127 240 255
Bank: St George
Help Support Buddhism
Your support empowers the Buddhist community in NSW to grow, and share the teachings of kindness, compassion and mindfulness. Together, we can make a difference in people’s lives.
Tax Deductible Donations
By donating to maintain the SRE, you help bring Buddhist teachings into public schools, fostering mindfulness, ethical values and kindness in young minds. Your contribution is Tax deductible and supports future generations.
Support with Regular Donation
Join our community of regular donors and provide lasting support for Buddhist initiatives. Your ongoing commitment helps sustain our work and nurture the Dharma for years to come.