Event Details
Presenter: Dr. Eng Kong Tan Wed 17 August | 7-8:30pm Online: links provided below Cost: By donation Dr. E-K Tan will be weaving the Cultivation of Joy, the meditative practice of Mudita with the
Event Details
Presenter: Dr. Eng Kong Tan
Wed 17 August | 7-8:30pm
Online: links provided below
Cost: By donation
Dr. E-K Tan will be weaving the Cultivation of Joy, the meditative practice of Mudita with the recent advent of Positive Psychotherapy for the benefit of all. Researchers have found that happiness consists of a set range from birth, (genetic, 50%), circumstances in life (only 10%) and 40% is under our control. We can practice ways of increasing positive experiences for a pleasant life, exercising our strengths and virtues for a good life and most importantly serving a higher purpose for a meaningful and deeply satisfying life.
Dr Tan will refer to the Eight Pillars of Joy demonstrated by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He will share a mindful meditation encompassing Buddhist and Psychotherapeutic evidence based practices to enhance our capacity for joy. There will be time for questions, discussions and contributions from participants as we learn joyfully together.
Login details: If you would like to join our session online, just click on this link to access the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83506489824?pwd=cmpNQ1ljSmFVYURLWVN1dWllYUN1dz09
Meeting ID: 835 0648 9824 | Passcode: 718905
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(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Metta Centre, Western Sydney