At the heart of Buddha’s teaching, which he described as a “path to come out of conflict and stress”, is a practice known as Satipitthana Vipassana (Mindfulness meditation). Satipitthana is a Pali word translated as “The four foundations of mindfulness”.
These four are listed as; Mindfulness of the Body, Feelings, Mind and Mind Qualities. These four are a process of activity which when cultivated, bring about a greater awareness and understanding in our minds.
The aim of this four week course is for participants to get to know well these four foundations of mindfulness. Instruction, explanation and periods of meditation practice will be given, utilising a different one of the four each week. By the end of the course participants should have a good understanding and reliable practice, which will be useful in navigating the ups and down of everyday life.
This course will be suitable for both experienced meditators as well as newcomers to Vipassana meditation.
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